Bellville was originally settled in 1822.
In the late 1800’s Bellville had two organizations that sponsored community-wide social activities. In 1883 the Social Club purchased this 14.7 acres of land from Herman Miller for the sum of $760 and had planned construction of a pavilion that didn’t materialize. In 1885 the Bellville Turnverein Gut Heil was formed by German immigrants – encouraging gymnastics (turnen) and athletics, a club (verein) for good health (gut heil). With the need for a place for community-wide social activities including physical exercise, dances, celebrations and meetings, they purchased the property in 1895 from the Social Club. In August of 1897, a contract was let to German immigrant carpenter Joachim Hintz of Milheim to build a social hall. The hall, which seated up to 400 for dances, was completed in October of 1897 at a cost of $2,500.
For more information about our history and download Tour Guides on Historic Downtown and Historic Homes
The old courthouse clock tower bell is proudly displayed at the entrance of the current Austin County Courthouse. The square remains as it was laid out in 1846, and many of the
historic buildings have been transformed into a wide variety of unique boutiques & shops.
historic buildings have been transformed into a wide variety of unique boutiques & shops.

Bellville Turnverein Pavilion Restoration Project website

Historic homes of varying architectural styles can be found throughout Bellville as well.
You can download a Historic Homes Tour brochure at
Bellville is the county seat of historic Austin County,
the Colonial Capital of Texas.
And just an 18-mile drive south of Bellville is historic San Felipe de Austin,
The Colonial Capital of Texas, where Texas got it's start.
Learn about the early history of San Felipe at the San Felipe de Austin State Historic Site. The site preserves a portion of the townsite of San Felipe de Austin that served as the colonial capital of Texas. Visitors also explore the life of Stephen F. Austin, the "Father of Texas," and his impact on the settlement and independence of Texas.
On a picturesque bluff overlooking the Brazos River, the story of Austin and the pioneers that followed him to Texas is told through exhibits in the new 10,000 square-foot musuem, statues, monuments, historical markers, a replica cabin and the Josey Store. TEXAS' NEWEST HISTORY MUSEUM The new San Felipe de Austin State Historic Site Museum opened in late April 2018 with state-of-the-art displays. The site offers visitors a chance to see unique objects on display including a desk that once belonged to Stephen F. Austin, an 1830s cast iron printing press, and many artifacts recovered during archeological investigations at the site. Tour Villa de Austin, the outdoor exhibit including several reconstructed log cabins and get a glimpse of life in San Felipe de Austin almost 200 years ago, including what residents ate and how it was prepared with the new bake oven and kitchen buildings in the Villa de Austin. The outdoor attractions are open daily with no admission fee. The visitors center is open daily from 9am to 5pm. Closed Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve, and New Year’s Day. 220 2nd Street, San Felipe, Texas |
If you happen to be visiting anywhere from the north or west of Bellville, you'll find it an easy drive through Bellville to get to San Felipe, which gives you a chance for a quick stop by our Stephen F. Austin bust on Hwy. 36 on the north side of town, and maybe take a selfie with the big guy himself. |

Visit The Colonial Capital of Texas website of the Friends of San Felipe de Austin for more detailed information about this very important historic site.
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